Dreams Of Our Children Revived With Our 2nd Traditional Children Festival

Dreams of our Children Revived with our 2nd Traditional Children Festival
Dreams of our Children Revived with our 2nd Traditional Children Festival

Our Children Festival became traditionalwith its second one on the date of 22 April 2017 under the leadership of ourSocial Responsibility Committee and with the supports of our Management Team andwe celebrated it this year also with the same enthusiasm and excitement afterhaving the first one on the date of 24 April 2016 in the garden of Haluk ÜndeğerElementary School which we sponsored and established. 


Our Children Festival becomingtraditional with our 2nd Children Festival for the guards of ourrepublic and independence, our young generations, in other words our childrenwith the purpose of protecting and supporting the imagination of our community,to make the hopes alive and not to prevent the creativity and we had greatinterest from the participants of every age group.


Our Children Festival is one of ourorganizations by having the understanding that all kinds of investments done toour children and youngsters are for the future and of our country, our world andit started with the opening speech and the children from every age group had aday they cannot forget with the bubble show, dance shows, clowns and contests.


In our festival, offerings of ourtraditional desserts such as popcorn, cotton candy, Ottoman syrup and paste wererealized and there were also kermes, children concert and surprise gifts duringthe festival.

Our festival aimed the purpose of beingable to touch the dreams of our children and it ended with the memories full ofbeauties for all adults and parents who have living imaginations regardless oftheir age.

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