Our Social Responsibility Team Was At The Sunay Akın Istanbul Toy Museum

Our Social Responsibility Team was at the Sunay Akın Istanbul Toy Museum
Our Social Responsibility Team was at the Sunay Akın Istanbul Toy Museum

Our Social Responsibility Team, organized a trip to the Istanbul Toy Museum, which established by Sunay Akın, took the children at the Bakırköy Closed Woman's Prison to the museum on 29 May 2015.Before the trip children eat pizza and enjoyed at the museum with their guns blazing.They made painting activity on the wooden toys paint shop and then walked At the end of the trip Sunay Akın gave them some presents and they had a good time.

Our Social Responsibility Team established a poultry-house at the garden of Imtex pre-school in the Bakırköy Prison with the contributions of Zorlu Holding's representatives and then the garden of crop came to realize with the plants, which Governor of Yalova Selim Cebiroğlu presented to our team. Fruit and vegetable seedlings planted at the garden of crop with the participation of rhe children, who get training at the pre-school.The children said thet they enjoyed from the activitiy because of they spent time with the ground activities and adults.


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