Our Seminar On Examination Of Current Legislation Amendments And Issues In 2020 Perspective Was Held

Our seminar on examination of current legislation amendments and issues in 2020 perspective was held
Our seminar on examination of current legislation amendments and issues in 2020 perspective was held

In Ünsped Customs brokerage headquarters, MHU Conference Hall on 23.10.2019 on Wednesday between 13:00 - 17: 00 hours the ‘examination of current legislation amendments and issues in 2020 perspective’ seminar took place. Our organization started with the opening speech of our UGM General Manager, Mr. Rıza Mehmet Korkmaz. In the related seminar, the topics of "problems and solutions regarding origin, additional customs duties, additional financial obligations and origin, Brexit, Bioterms 2020 and draft amendments to the Customs Code" were shared with the participants. Our seminar, in which the questions and answers were answered in the last session, attracted intense attention.
Click here to access the video of our seminar

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