Winners Of Composition Contest On Letters To Ataturk Were Announced

Winners of Composition Contest on Letters to Ataturk Were Announced
Winners of Composition Contest on Letters to Ataturk Were Announced

The letters sent for the composition contest themed as 19 May, "Letters to Ataturk", which is the common project of our Ünsped Social Responsibility Committee and Ünsped Sports and Culture Club were evaluated by our selection committee consisting of Mrs.  Aysel ÖZTÜRK, Mrs.  Semra DEMİRER, Prof. Dr. Fatma AYANOĞLU,  Mr. Yücel CANYARAN, Mr.  Melih Esen Cengiz and Prof. Dr. Bilge DONUK.

After a long evaluation made by our Selection Committee, six of the twenty-two letters that sent for the competition were entitled to enter the competition.

List of Winners aged 17-65

1-Sibel ARSLAN


3-Hasan UĞUR


List of Winners aged 11-16 



3-Munavvar NEBİZADE

Monetary award will be given to participants, selected by considering age differences and placed in the top three and D&R checks to the all participants. We thank all the participants who contributed to this organization, we organized for the 19 May The Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day.

You can watch the selection step by step by clicking the link below.


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