Our Seminar On Transformations In Science And Human Mentality Was Realized

Our Seminar on Transformations in Science and Human Mentality was realized
Our Seminar on Transformations in Science and Human Mentality was realized

Inthe midday seminar realized in the scope of Ünsped Development Academy (UDA),our guest was TURKTRADE General Secretary Esteemed Dr. Süleyman Gedik. Mr. SüleymanGedik addressed the subject of "Transformations in Science and HumanMentality" in our seminar and he talked about the fact of having the existenceof change in every moment of life and also mentioned the boundaries of thescience. In this scope, Mr. Gedik made sharings in many topics with theparticipants by starting from Newly Defined World to the Boundaries of NewtonSchool Look, from Nature Sciences to Common Culture, from the Mind andTransformation in our Minds to Knowledge, Science and Doctrine Definitions. Inthe end of his speech listened with interest, our Founder Chairman Mr. HalukÜndeğer and our Shareholder Mr. Yusuf Bulut Öztürk presented the plaque to Mr.  Süleyman Gedik and they thanked him for hisattendance in the seminar.

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