Eleventh Of Our Customer Advisory Board Meeting Realized

Eleventh of Our Customer Advisory Board Meeting Realized
Eleventh of Our Customer Advisory Board Meeting Realized

To fulfill our responsibilities towards our customers effectively and efficiently within the body of UGM, to develop our services with customer needs and expectations; the eleventh of our Customer Advisory Board meeting, which we organize twice a year with the basic philosophy of taking the thoughts, criticism, expectations, and evaluations of our customers regarding our works and projects, and transferring them to our decision processes, was held on 26.05.2022 at the InterContinental Hotel Istanbul with the participation of over 100 local and foreign guests.

At the meeting where the opening speeches were made by our Company Partner, Mr. Yusuf Bulut ÖZTÜRK, and our Founding President, Mr. Haluk ÜNDEĞER; Those who were curious about "New Business Models and Solutions in Foreign Trade," current developments in Turkey and the world, the course of our foreign trade from past to present were discussed with the presentations and contributions of valuable speakers under the moderation of our General Manager, Mr. Rıza Mehmet Korkmaz.

Among the speakers were Former Minister of State for Foreign Trade and Customs (58th, 59th, and 60th Governments) Mr. Kürşad TÜZMEN, Former Minister of Customs and Trade Mr. Cenap AŞÇI (63rd Government), and Topkapı University Rector, Economist, Author Mr. Prof. Dr. Emre ALKIN took place. In addition, TURKTRADE Chairman of the Board Mr. Hayrettin ÇAYCI shared with our participants the sustainability of companies, the importance of being a global brand, and Turkey's view of foreign trade with his 70 years of experience in exports. Finally, in the interactive section, the participants had the opportunity to express their opinions and evaluations.

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