We Realized Acquaintance Meeting Of 2017-2018 Year With Our Interns

We Realized Acquaintance Meeting of 2017-2018 Year with Our Interns
We Realized Acquaintance Meeting of 2017-2018 Year with Our Interns

Experience gained bydoing the practice is important in the school period and also in the future inthe selection of career.  Internship forthe student is a great chance in the way of taking the first step in thebusiness world. By the courtesy of an internship completed with success, ouryoungsters start to choose the direction of their careers even when they are inthe school desks. 

In the 'AcquaintanceMeeting' we arranged with our Company's interns from different universities whoare educated in associate and undergraduate programs in 2017-2018 summer periodcame together with our Shareholder Mr. Yusuf Bulut Öztürk. After thismeaningful meeting with lunch dined together where mentor relationship wasstrengthened and experiences and experiments are shared and acquaintanceshipwere lived, participants were attended to Enlightenment Meeting.

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