This Time ''ethical Values'' Was The Subject In Our Enlightenment Meeting

This time ''Ethical Values'' was the subject in our Enlightenment Meeting
This time ''Ethical Values'' was the subject in our Enlightenment Meeting

Under the Leadership of Ünsped Transparency and Ethics Committeeand in the scope of Enlightenment Meetings concept, the seminar with thesubject of ''Ethical Values'' was realized on the date of 17 May 2017 in ÜnspedCustoms Consultancy Head Office MHÜ Conference Salon. Istanbul TechnicalUniversity Chemistry Department Academician Prof. Dr. Turan ÖZTÜRK participatedto the seminar as the speaker. In our seminar, Mr. ÖZTÜRK detailed the conceptsof virtue, culture, process of the culture and socialization as well as the theheadings of 'difference between moral and ethics, what is ethic? What ethic isnot?' and the subject was conveyed to the participants with the samples fromthe real life. In the end of the seminar, plaque was presented to Mr. TuranÖZTÜRK by the Chairman of Transparency and EthicsCommittee and our thanks were submitted to him for his participation in theseminar.

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