Our Occupational Health And Safety Trainings Are Continuing In Our Head Office And Branches

Our Occupational Health and Safety Trainings are continuing in our Head Office and Branches
Our Occupational Health and Safety Trainings are continuing in our Head Office and Branches

In our Ünsped Customs Consultancy Head Office and inour locations outside of Istanbul with video conference (in our Alsancak,ESBAŞ, Aliağa, İskenderun, Gaziantep, Manisa and Mersin Branches)OccupationalHealth and Safety Training which must be given compulsorily in accordance with  Occupational Health and Safety Law Number 6331was given to our newly employed employees and to the other employees who havehad Occupational Health and Safety Training but 3 years have passed since thedate of the training.

Training was given by our Occupational Safety Specialist Mr. Birol DİZMANand personnel's Occupational Health and Safety awareness was increased bymaking the informing about General Occupational Health and Safety, Ergonomics,Working with the Devices having Screen, Safety, Health Signs and the LegalRights and Responsibilities of the Employees. Occupational Health and SafetyCulture was created. Our trainings shall continue in our Head Office and in ourother locations.

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