Young Generation Development Committee Realized The Project Of  "we Are Visiting Every Era's Nostalgia, Hababam (the Dunce) Class''

Young Generation Development Committee realized the Project of  "We are Visiting Every Era's Nostalgia, Hababam (The Dunce) Class''
Young Generation Development Committee realized the Project of  "We are Visiting Every Era's Nostalgia, Hababam (The Dunce) Class''

It does not have importance which one you watch from the movies of HababamSınıfı (The Dunce Class), you definitely go to those years. Some of us rememberthe youth days while some others remember the school days. Regardless of ourages and generations, we find some things from ourselves. Hababam Sınıfı (TheDunce Class), there is joke, there is patience, there is mischievousness, thereis purity but there is no disrespect. On top of that, there is love. From thisunderstanding, with the cooperation of Young Generation Leadership DevelopmentCommittee and Human Resources department, on the date of 13 May 2017 Saturday, thevisiting vas realized to Hababam Sınıfı (The Dunce Class) which is also knownas Adile Sultan Pavilion taking place in Üsküdar Validebağ Grove. Activitystarted with open buffet breakfast done together at 09.00 o'clock in AdileSultan Pavilion Teacher's Lodge. Then, we visited Hababam Sınıfı (The DunceClass) Museum all together and we took plenty of photographs. Participants saidgoodbye to each other after the visiting done to pavilion with the contentmentof seeingEvery Era's Nostalgia, Hababam(The Dunce) Class in its place and with the hope of meeting again in a new project.

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