Our Aegean Region Directorate Arranged Traditional Breakfast Organization

Our Aegean Region Directorate Arranged Traditional Breakfast Organization
Our Aegean Region Directorate Arranged Traditional Breakfast Organization

Traditional Breakfast Organization of our AegeanRegion was realized on the date of 13 May 2017 Saturday between 10.00 - 13.00 hoursin Boğaziçi Restaurant of İzmir Üçkuyular.Aegean Region Manager and our Deputy General Manager hosted theorganization and about 175 of our employees participated for the same.

Our Aegean Region Branches; Denizli Branch, Aliağa Branch,Adnan Menderes Branch, ESBAŞ Branch, Manisa Branch and Antalya Branch Directorsand Employees and also our Shareholders, General Manager, our Chairman of theBoard of Directors, our CFO, our Technical Arrangements Coordinator and HumanResources Manager participated in the breakfast organization and a pleasantbreakfast was realized.

Following the opening speeches done by our AegeanRegion Manager, Deputy General Manager and our Shareholder, our colleagues whostarted to work in our İzmir Branch also took the floor and unity, togethernessand team spirit messages were given by our Directors. Following the speeches, aceremony was arranged to present the seniority certificates and seniorityplaques to our employees who have completed their 5th and 10thyears in our Company as of the year of 2016. In the end of the breakfast,Ephesus Antique Village in Selçuk and Virgin Mary Museum visitings were done.

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