
Unsped Customs Clearance (UGM) Laboratory Supports Exporters with CBAM

Unsped Customs Clearance (UGM) Laboratory Supports Exporters with CBAM

Ayşe Özgür ÖZSAR
UGM Başkimyager 


Climate change has become one of the most important issues of recent years and is becoming more significant by the day. In this context, efforts have been made worldwide to raise awareness and these efforts are continuing to grow. Many companies in Türkiye also contribute to these global efforts by calculating their corporate carbon footprint. By calculating their carbon emissions within their borders, companies are developing various alternative projects to minimize the damage they cause to the atmosphere and significantly contribute to a more sustainable world.

The UGM Laboratory also provides corporate companies and SMEs with carbon emission calculations and reporting under ISO 14064-1 standard, enabling them to access information and training to raise awareness about the European Green Deal and sustainable future.

In addition to carbon footprint calculations and reporting, exporter companies are informed about greenhouse gas emission awareness, access to necessary documents, regulations and guidelines. In this context, services are provided to our customers under the following headings:

We Calculate Your Carbon Footprint

  • Analysis and Calculation
  • Key Information and Training
  • Corporate Carbon Footprint and Report within the scope of TS EN ISO 14064-1 Standard
  • Product Carbon Footprint and Report within the scope of TS EN ISO 14067 Standard
  • Guidance for Verification of the Report
  • Projecting for Carbon Footprint Reduction within the scope of TS EN 14064-2 Standard (A roadmap report for the next action plan will be opened within the scope of reporting results)
  • Support for incentives

    On the other hand, while the world order is changing rapidly, the issue of carbon footprint is not limited to studies in the individual field but has also started to show its effect in places that have authority with the regulations introduced by the European Union. In this context, the European Union has published the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) regulation. According to this regulation, the responsibilities of companies exporting to European Union countries will increase, i.e. importers located in the EU will start to reflect the carbon taxes that they will have to pay due to the high carbon emissions of the products (goods) they will import, to companies that will export from countries such as Türkiye. Taxation will first be applied in the first six industries determined by the European Union (aluminum, iron-steel, cement, fertilizer, hydrogen, electricity) starting in 2026. In this context, it is expected to calculate and report the Carbon Footprint within the scope of the CBAM and reduce the carbon footprint until the next report.

We as UGM Laboratory Chemists:

Determine the HS-code of the goods to be exported to EU countries and determine whether these goods are included in the scope (to determine whether the products in the sectors determined by the European Union fall within the scope of reporting)

Calculate the Carbon Footprint for export products included in the scope and present it as a report. This report is a report in which the embedded emissions to be requested when the sectors determined within the scope of CBAM will export should also be included. The most important point here is that the production facility is inspected during the reporting process and the emissions arising in the processes are determined and determined. To ensure the traceability and sustainability of calculations and reporting in all these areas, we create documents within the scope of 14001 Environmental Management System Integration and present them to our customers.


As UGM Laboratory, we have taken major steps for green transformation by integrating our competence in tariff with CBAM with our expert chemist staff, and while providing support to our SMEs on CBAM with HS-Code in their exports, we also calculate their carbon footprints and provide consultancy in all kinds of incentives to be obtained.