
A guidebook from Ünsped for the customs sector

A guidebook from Ünsped for the customs sector

Ünsped Customs Consultancy introduced the E-Customs Legislation book, which is a guide in its sector, to the readers. The book, which was written by Remzi Akçin, Chairman of the Board of Ünsped Customs Consultancy and Logistics Services, who has 30 years of professional experience was presented to the reader by Ünsped Customs Consultancy (UGM) Publishing House. Remzi Akçin, who evaluated about the book said that he was proud of having realized the publications he planned to write 15 years ago. Reminding that he worked as a bureaucrat at the Ministry of Customs and Trade for many years, Akçin said "In this process, I have breathed the private sector side of the table, which has personally experienced the problem, as well as the public side of the table. Therefore, I feel that my perspective on the subject has become richer and that this richness has positive reflections on this work." Expressing that he designed the work as two books in particular, Akçin continued as follows: "In the first book, I aimed that the terminology used to understand the customs legislation and transactions is explained and the use of a common language is provided and in the second book, to explain all the applications in a way to cover all processes and regimes starting from the entry of a vehicle to the delivery of the goods. In this way, while explaining a customs application, I planned to avoid the dispersion of the subject by explaining the terminology and to avoid repetition by explaining the same subject in different applications where the same terms are used.” Ünsped Customs Consultancy and Logistics Services Company Partner, Yusuf Bulut Öztürk, who will fill the gap in the sector, also made evaluations on the subject. Reminding that they took action to meet this need in this field due to the limited number of works published in the field of customs, Öztürk said, “Ünsped Customs Consultancy Publishing House was structured to present professional works to its readers with this understanding. As a publishing house, we take special pleasure in presenting this work, which will fill an important gap in its sector. We observe that this work, which is written in a style that can be easily understood by everyone on customs procedures, which has its own literature will fill an important gap in this field.".