
"What is Chatbot?" article by Adnan Öncevarlık, our UGM Innovation Manager

"What is Chatbot?" article by Adnan Öncevarlık, our UGM Innovation Manager


Year 1990, location: Ege University Computer Research and Application Center Bornova Izmir,

KuriYJ: Hi Cem, are you there, I was going to ask a question.

DrLoveJoe: Hi, Cem is not here right now.

KuriYJ: What are you doing in Cem's machine?

DrLoveJoe: Cem is currently in a meeting.

KuriYJ: Who Are You? Where's Cem?

DrLoveJoe: Cem is currently in a meeting.

KuriYJ: Who are you?

DrLoveJoe: my name is Elisa, I'm Cem's Secretary.

KuriYJ: Secretary?

DrLoveJoe: my name is Elisa, I'm Cem's Secretary.

KuriYJ: what's up?

DrLoveJoe: Thank You, How Are you

KuriYJ?KuriYJ: Thank you, when will Cem come?

DrLoveJoe: Cem is currently in a meeting.

KuriYJ: I was going to leave a message for Cem, and when he left the meeting, he should read the email I sent.

DrLoveJoe: Cem is currently in a meeting.

KuriYJ: I know, have a good day.

DrLoveJoe: Good Day KuriYJ.

It's been 30 years since I first encountered a “ChatBot” Elisa was a “Chatbot” written by Cem Turgay, a friend of the upper period with our technological capabilities, knowledge and experience at that time (I send my greetings and loves to him). It was a chatbot named “Eliza”, takes the name from first Chatbot program developed by Professor Joseph Weizenbaum at MIT in the 1960s.

What a nice program. When my friend leaves his desk, it recorded messages that were forwarded to him, and could talk to people a little. She takes the emails that come with him and classifies them in his name. She had a few features like this. When you try to talk like a lonely person, he can accompany you with a few sentences, but if you push a little, you go back to the sentence “I am Cem's secretary”.

So, what is this “Chatbot?”

According to the definition on Wikipedia, “Chatbot. A Chatbot is software that provides information or performs an operation by creating a dialogue with the user, usually by text, and in some cases by conversation.”

Yes, it's basically software that can handle simple things. Usually, voice response systems on Web pages and banks can be collected under the roof of a chatbot. The word Chatbot actually comes from the abbreviation and merging of the word Chatter Bot. We can call it “Soh-bet robotu” in Turkish. Chatbot also has different nomenclature. For example, "talkbot”, "bot", "IM bot”, “interactive agent", "artificial conversation entity".”

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