
The article with the title of "Two crazy Turks of our industry are challenging the world with robotic benches", written by our Company's Consultant, Sami Altınkaya was published in Newspaper "Dünya" on 31.05.2021.

The article with the title of "Two crazy Turks of our industry are challenging the world with robotic benches", written by  our Company's Consultant, Sami Altınkaya was published in Newspaper "Dünya" on 31.05.2021.

It's not the whole point that putting 1 and 1 together to find 2. It's to do it 11. VALFSAN company partners Orhan Yeloğlu and Adnan Taşkın are our two industrialists who to do it 11.

When the world comes together today, it is the world of those who can to do it 11 and create added value. Otherwise, you are forced to produce a lot, earn less and become a subcontractor. These two industrialists, who have not blood relation, took  with each other and conquered the world with the spirit of engineering, mathematics and entrepreneurship. They are challenging the world today with approximately 400 employees and robotic benches and 25 thousand square meters closed area on the way of production, having started with 200 square meters and 4 people.

Orhan Yeloğlu, one of these two partners speaking the same language, said “We established our company in 1983 with two partners and two assistants in Doğu Sanayi Sitesi. Capital was very limited. We bought two home made press machines with our own deed. Our intention was to manufacture parts made of very special steel that act as valves used in shock absorbers and compressors. My partner's origin is the refrigeration compressor, mine is the shock absorber. We have started to meet Turkey's needs by developing our own technology. At that time, the number of companies producing shock absorbers was three and the market was limited. Since the products we produce have a long lifespan, we have been working for three months a year. After the job finished and we have been waiting. At that time, because the domestic market was small and we thought how we can expand abroad. We started to export with the 25 percent export incentive given by Turgut Özal. Afterwards, we have worked on how to reduce costs, how to keep the profit margin up, how to produce faster”.

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