
The article titled "Automotive supply industry has grown by 31 percent" by Sami Altınkaya, our company Consultant, was published in the Dünya Newspaper on 20.09.2021

The article titled "Automotive supply industry has grown by 31 percent" by Sami Altınkaya, our company Consultant, was published in the Dünya Newspaper on 20.09.2021

We continue to study Turkey's sectors. The automotive supply industry is a driving force for our economy with the added value it creates. Our subsidiary industry, which also sells parts it produces to world brands cannot be competed in international markets. Critical components of many domestic and foreign brands are produced in Turkey. The next goal of the actors engaged in production in the automotive sector should be to produce the engine and the brain of the vehicle, which is the most important part of the vehicle. Because these are the parts of the car that have the highest added value. It's good that 70 percent of the car is being supplied, but it's not enough. We had a conversation with Albert Saydam, President of the Association of Vehicle Supply Industrialists (TAYSAD), about production and added value.

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