
Our UGM Corporate Communications Director Sami Altınkaya's article entitled "State Council banned, agencies continue to perform what they want" was published in the Dünya newspaper on 17.08.2020.

Our UGM Corporate Communications Director Sami Altınkaya's article entitled "State Council banned, agencies continue to perform what they want" was published in the Dünya newspaper on 17.08.2020.

Director of board of Directors of Özimeks Industrial Products Kemal Özkan won a legal battle that he continued for many years, and the Council of state decided that the agencies could no longer receive the “delivery order”, which was obtained as a certificate of delivery of cargo in ports. But it seems that agents and temporary customs warehouses that cooperate with them continue to receive this price from companies engaged in foreign trade. You still can't get your goods out of customs without paying the price they call delivery order. We talked about this situation with Businessman Person Kemal Özkan.

Özkan sent a warning to 21 port operators in Turkey. He reminded addressees of the matter once again. Kemal Özkan refers to the law that cargo shipped to Turkey by sea from abroad are delivered to the Customs Authority, which is the Mandatory Authority for delivery in accordance with the Customs Code, to be delivered to the receiver.

“As if they were delivering the goods at customs, $ 500 per delivery order is taken from the cargo receiver for no reason under the name of delivery order by means of threat and pressure,” says Kemal Özkan, who notes that despite the law and the verdict of the State Council, customs administration has an alternative structure.

Companies that pay for Chameleon expenses taken since 2011 have the right to claim refund of those fees taken by enforcement. I mean, it is a good day for lawyers.

While receivers must apply to customs with the original bill of lading in the declaration and annex to receive their cargo and receive their cargo quickly, simply and without intermediaries they continue to pay this price. Otherwise, you can't get your goods out of customs. Receivers do not have to pay any of these prices taken under the name of local services.

Kemal Özkan says that: “work and transactions related to imported cargo are performed by temporary storage place, that is, the operator of the customs warehouse on behalf and account of receiver and Customs Administration. Customs broker also charges according to tariffs with tracking. The agency makes transactions on the behalf and account of the ship owner not the receiver, and receives his fee from ship owner. The trade expert does not have to pay $ 5 billion a year for an average of 8 million container loads per year without legal basis and reason. This money can be used to expand the merchant's operations, increase competitiveness, development of the country, education of our children, and development of our marine activities.”

The decision of the Council of state reveals that temporary customs storage and warehouses are operated with the permission granted, that the customs authorities have the authority to establish rules for the delivery of customs goods placed here, determine the documents to be requested and regulate.

Kemal Özkan also sent this warning to the Ministry of trade, customs directorates, relevant chambers of Commerce and industry and associations. We also follow the idea.