
Our company consultant Sami Altınkaya's article entitled "We must determine our route" was published in the Dünya newspaper on 01.02.2021.

Our company consultant Sami Altınkaya's article entitled "We must determine our route" was published in the Dünya newspaper on 01.02.2021.

The balance is changing rapidly in the world. The new president of the United States is trying to restore important agreements that were canceled earlier in the year. Talks have begun with the EU for the Trans-Atlantic agreement, which was frozen during Trump's time. The American administration also plans to reintroduce NAFTA. The North American Free Trade Agreement will begin again.

After the aborted agreement with Pacific countries, China immediately filled the U.S. gap and took the lead. It has the world's largest free trade agreement with 15 Pacific nations. The negotiations, which began eight years ago, were quickly signed when the Trump administration canceled the Trans Pacific agreement.

China's one-generation one-road project is not ignored. Before the pandemic, China will complement the Silk Road Line, which bought important ports in Europe such as the Port of Piraeus and established logistics centers. Wagon-loaded trains leaving Beijing will arrive in London in 12 days. America, which is uncomfortable with China's cooperation with Europe, has a very difficult job. China has already started working with southern European countries.

The Greater Middle East project has also become history. GMEP was replaced by the GAL, The Great Arab League. A new market is being established under the leadership of Israel and Saudi Arabia. Qatar was also involved in the deal.

As the balances in the world change again, we must first renew ourselves with internal reforms and solve the problems in domestic politics in order not to be thrown away. The picture we're giving out is not cool. Finding a habitat alone creates problems. Our route should be Western, but we should also evaluate commercial opportunities. By implementing multilateral trade diplomacy, we must show the world that we are a safe haven. If we are not a party to these collaborations, unfortunately, we will be eliminated.