
Our company consultant Sami Altınkaya's article entitled "The number of female bosses in foreign trade is increasing" was published in Dünya newspaper on 15.03.2021.

Our company consultant Sami Altınkaya's article entitled "The number of female bosses in foreign trade is increasing" was published in Dünya newspaper on 15.03.2021.

Women's success in business is now more talked about. Because the number of women who direct trade or even become bosses is increasing every day. For the past week, the whole world has been talking about how the surplus value women provide to the economy is growing economies.

With joint initiative of TURKTRADE and Ünsped customs brokerage 'Women's Leadership Development Committee' discussed the same issue in webinar on “Women in foreign trade.” Hayrettin Çaycı, President of the Turkish Foreign Trade Association, which is one of the important actors of foreign trade and has been one of the important institutions of the Foreign Trade world since 1983, said in his opening speech that it is necessary to fight more to increase the participation of women in business life. "According to global research, this figure was 47.3 percent in the world at the end of 2019, while 33.9 percent in Turkey. According to November 2020 data, this figure has fallen to 30.6 percent in Turkey. Turkey ranks 130th out of 153 countries in the World Economic Forum's Global Gender Inequality Index. We rank 136th in the category of women's participation in the economy and equal opportunities, 135th in labor force participation, 113th in access to educational opportunities, 113th in representation in political life, 106th in equal pay for the same job and 64th in health,” he said.

Hayrettin Çaycı, who reminded that they started a study of women in foreign trade, specified that they aimed to create the basis for policies that would allow women to participate more actively in business life with the work they conducted in partnership with Bilgi University.

Deputy Minister of Trade Gonca Yılmaz Batur, President of KAGIDER Emine Perviz Erdem, President of the Association for the support of women candidates Nuray Kasaroglu, Professor Dr. Pınar Artıran from Istanbul Bilgi University talked about their views on women entrepreneurs. In the business world, it is useful to emphasize that women complete their work and pay their debts on time.