
Our company consultant Sami Altınkaya's article entitled "The figures should be read correctly" was published in the Dünya newspaper on 02.08.2021.

Our company consultant Sami Altınkaya's article entitled "The figures should be read correctly" was published in the Dünya newspaper on 02.08.2021.

In the 100th anniversary of the Republic in 2023, an export target of 500 billion dollars was set. It's good to set goals, but if it's realistic. Those who know mathematics, statistics and economics know that this requires growth of more than 10 percent each year.

It is necessary to remind that this growth can be achieved by developing and saving, which will be achieved not by borrowing and consuming, but by generating added value.

By 2021, the target has been revised to $ 214 billion. The account in the house did not match the bazaar. Turkey has an impoverished export. So we're trying to get. We do business below the unit price cost. The price of the products we produce does not find 2 dollars per kilogram.

Last year, exports totaled $ 169.5 billion and imports totaled $ 219.5 billion. A foreign trade deficit of $ 49.8 billion was given. We're playing with words. Exports are a country's income. Imports also cost. The difference is the country's loss. But instead of saying loss, it sounds good to say deficit.

Foreign dependence in export is almost 80 percent. We are also dependent abroad in raw materials and energy. The only way out is to produce value-added products and services.

Our monthly exports is said to be $ 16 billion. As in the confidence index since 2005, the measurement method has changed here. We also added exports made in free zones to the overall export figure. In other words, we considered exporting the passage of goods from one iron door to another. When we take this out, our monthly exports are less than $ 10 billion.

By playing with words and numbers, facts cannot be hidden and changed.