
Our company consultant Sami Altınkaya's article entitled "Stock Exchange Istanbul confectionery" was published in the Dünya newspaper on 05.07.2021.

Our company consultant Sami Altınkaya's article entitled "Stock Exchange Istanbul confectionery" was published in the Dünya newspaper on 05.07.2021.

We are the fifth country in the world to consume beet sugar. These days, when markets are moving with public offering, Kütahya Şeker is also preparing to go public. Opened in 1954 by Adnan Menderes, the factory was privatized in 2004 and bought by Kiler and Torunlar companies.

We talked about public offering with Ümit Kiler, deputy chairman of the board of Directors of Kütahya Şeker.

Do you promise to grow Kütahya Şeker in the coming period, expand its operating areas and then pay dividends with the proceeds from the public offering?

Ümit Kiler: after the acquisition, we invested 30-35 million euros only in technology and equipment. With this investment, we have become one of the most technological factories in Turkey. When we look at Kütahya Şeker's growth and investment opportunities, we invest every year and renew our equipment. I hope that next year we will move to the raw sugar production side by establishing a facility in our factory and not exceeding our quota. Sugar factories operate during certain periods of the year. At other times, we will grow with new investments.