
Our company consultant Sami Altınkaya's article entitled "It is not only enough to produce, but it should also be useful to society" was published in the Dünya newspaper on 14.12.2020.

Our company consultant Sami Altınkaya's article entitled "It is not only enough to produce, but it should also be useful to society" was published in the Dünya newspaper on 14.12.2020.

I watch the world. It is not possible to create a brand only by producing goods and services. Added value is also not just adding plus value to the product and selling it at a higher price. The digital world also applauds what companies do as well as what they produce. When you invest in a product or service, you make money when you sell it. Everybody does that. But investment in reputation does not immediately bear fruit. Therefore, the reason why companies have recently invested in social responsibility projects is also important. Spending what they earn for the benefit of society cannot be seen as just a social responsibility. This also adds added value to the company's brand perception.

Especially when large developed companies looking at firms with which they will do business they check what such firms do for society. In other words, if a company sees it as a business and includes Social Responsibility projects within its structure, not because it is fashionable, its reputation in the outside world also increases.

One of the best examples of this issue is Ünsped Sports Club. Ünsped Sports Club, founded by Haluk Ündeğer, the founding president of the customs brokerage, is constantly supported. The Sports Club, which grew with the contributions of Ünsped co-founder Yusuf Bulut Öztürk, is very valuable for the company.

The club trains more than 500 students a year, including 200 licensed sportsmen in sports schools. The volleyball women's A team competes in the second league and the basketball A team competes in the regional league. We have a total of 10 teams, including 5 in the A young star and small categories in volleyball and 5 in the A young star and small categories in in basketball. Club also attends contests in national leagues in chess and table tennis. So much so that one sportsman in chess finished second in Europe. Swimming, gymnastics kick boxing, dance, ballet, painting, music, theatre, drama, algorithmic coding, Life Skills workshop and archery branches are also trained in the sports school.