
Article of Sami Altınkaya, UGM Corporate Communication Director titled “May things go as planned?” was published in the Dünya newspaper on 21.09.2020.

Article of Sami Altınkaya, UGM Corporate Communication Director titled “May things go as planned?” was published in the Dünya newspaper on 21.09.2020.

No matter how messy an image you give in production, you can't capture the size you want. Investments that are realized without full feasibility are predestined to bankrupt. Development agencies need to work on this logic. The state must plan the strategy of cities one by one when planning investments. This planning cannot be left to the initiative of cities.

Somewhere in my article last week, I asked about the industrial inventory. I asked myself, I answer myself. The Ministry of industry completed its work started in 2007 within a few years. Finally, the most up-to-date database on Turkey's industry was prepared by TOBB. I found answers to the question of who is producing where and how much.

When I said how Turkey's industrial inventory is, I was actually asking about the strategy that needs to be implemented after the inventory. It can be said that we have identified investment strategies in the medium and long term. I have no objection to that. But a person I have seen in Anatolia who has capital wants to invest in his hometown, for example. Beforehand, strategic issues such as proximity to raw materials and ports are unfortunately ignored. A good example of this fact is the situation of a charitable industrialist's investment in his hometown in Tokat. How realistic it is to open a textile factory in Tokat. These investments, made in good faith and with feelings of nationalism, lead to the waste of national wealth. That was the main task of the SPO organization, which the state closed years ago. It did its job well or not, that's another matter. But it is imperative in the economy that the state directs investments. Or everyone goes and makes the investment they want where they want. The understanding of “no matter where the investment is made as long as it is made” damages the country's economy.